Easy and Unique Fundraiser Ideas Using Color Powder


Color Powder can be used in a variety of unique ways to support your fundraiser ideas and fundraising events. Here are the top 3 ideas incorporating colored powders into your fundraising campaign.

1: Pep Rallies | Unique High School Fundraisers

Many high schools use colored dusts for pep rallies and football games. Although you don’t typically think of a pep rally for a unique fundraiser idea, you can add a fundraising element with powder packets. A high school may choose to do a PINK OUT for an October football game to raise funds for breast cancer awareness.

Your school can sell individual Pink color powder packets to students and every time your team scores they throw pink powder in the air. You may also want to ask local companies to sponsor a quarter of the game and each time the team scores they will donate X amount towards your fundraising goal. You can certainly raise funds for your institution or other non-profit and charitable organizations as well! Try featuring the school shade or of the non-profit you are supporting.

2: Color Wars

You may already have a fundraising event planned that does not involve a Fun Run or Pep Rally, however you can still use colored powders to reach the ultimate goal! For High Schools, Middle Schools and Church Youth Groups consider offering a Color War as an incentive to the class or team that raises the most funds!

This age group loves running around and throwing colorful dusts on each other and you can be sure you will have strong competition to win a chance to have a Color War!

3: Host a Color Run

Many schools and non-profit organizations host a color run. A Colorful Fun Run is a creative and interactive way to involve your community in the fundraising efforts. It is a creative outdoor activity that gets everyone moving, laughing, and wanting to attend year after year!

Many providers are out there with bulk powder, individual packets and even race kits for an easy fun runs. Registration fees, individual packets sales and race kit sales along with sponsorships will help you reach your fundraising goals.

How Does a Color Run Work?

A color run is just like your typical fun run except your runners get showered with colored powder at different points through-out the run. The areas where color powder is thrown on them are called color stations. Typically a course is laid out with 3 to 5 color stations set up with color powder on each side of the course that will be thrown on the participants as they run through the color station. You will need 2 to 4 volunteers per station to throw the color powder on your racers as they pass through the color station.

Throwing the Color Powder

There are two preferred methods of throwing the colored chalk powder. One is to use small dixie cups to dunk in the color powder and throw on the participants. The other is to use squeeze bottles, fill them with powder and squeeze as the runners go by. Remember to always aim from the shoulders down – you never want to throw directly at someone’s face, always avoid the face and eyes. Most of organizations choose to use one color per station – but it is entirely up to you!

What is Color Run Powder Made of?
Colored powder is generally made from Cornstarch. The color run powder ingredients are food grade Cornstarch and FDA and FD&C approved Food and Cosmetic dyes. That’s it! It’s safe and easy to clean up with a little soap and water.

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