If you want your direct mail marketing efforts to pay off big for you, then you are in the right place. When it comes to marketing your business with direct mail, you can go at your own speed. If you rent a mailing list of 10,000 names, you don’t want to run all 10,000 at one time. Instead, mail increments of 1000, and test the results that you were able to achieve in your business.

Once you have finished testing, it’s time to roll out with an all out campaign to make money from your prospect list. This is the basis of direct mail, and if you would like to improve your results from your direct mail efforts, then that’s absolutely fine with me. To help you get off on the right foot, I have included some potent strategies that will help to boost your profits relatively quickly.

Here’s the first tip for making direct mail work.

1) Keep things simple

Your goal is to get them to read your sales letter. If you can’t do this, then your direct mail efforts are doomed from the start. The best way to keep things simple with your direct mail materials is to limit how many items are in the package that you send to your prospects.

You should have the core essentials inside of a mailing piece: A sales letter, a free report, some testimonials, and an order form. This is all you need in order to start making money via this approach. You can even boost your response rates from 1% to all the way up to 5%. It’s true, and many marketers are using this strategy with much success.

Here’s another tip for making direct mail work.

2) A strong guarantee

It doesn’t matter if your mailing to new prospects or an older audience, you should still offer a money back guarantee that will take the risk off of their shoulders, and put it all on you. This is something that you will definitely want to include in your follow up marketing materials. However when running your ad, don’t mention it at all in your ad.

With a guarantee, you make it easy for people to say “yes” to you. They know in the back of their mind that they can return this product for no reason at all. This is the kind empowerment that you want to inspire within your customers – because it makes them feel special, and makes them think that they can run your business better than you can do it.

Using these 2 tips for improving your sales and profits in your business. The customer that you treat well will say good things about your business, and some will even invite your friends into your place of basis. If you’re customer service is that good, you will get a lot of repeat customers based on your service alone.

Treat your customers well, offer them great deals and discounts, and sign them up to your email newsletter. These things will help you to become a dominant force to reckon with in your business.

Good luck for using these 2 tips to market your business today.

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