The top 10 investing terms people Google the most


Living in the information age has its perks. Search engine data is a great barometer for what’s really on people’s minds—and if you’ve ever felt a little embarrassed about googling an investing term you think most people already know about, take comfort in the fact that there are millions of people out there who have exactly the same question. We put together a list of the most commonly searched investing terms to help cover the basics—and maybe even save you that next visit to Google.

This infographic shows 10 of the most frequently Googled investing terms and their definitions.

Investing can feel intimidating when you’re just starting out, but it won’t feel that way forever. If you take things one step at a time, you’ll be a seasoned investor before you know it.


All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest.

The portfolio balances shown are hypothetical and do not reflect any particular investment. The rate is not guaranteed. The final account balances do not reflect any taxes or penalties that might be due upon distribution.

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