Pretzel Fundraiser – Super Profitable Fall Fundraiser!


Pretzel fundraising is great any time of year!

Hot doughy pretzels are enjoyed in the fall when it’s cool, in the winter when families gather for the holidays, in spring as an afternoon snack and during the summer with a cool glass of lemonade. Have you thought about ways to make your Auntie Anne’s pretzel fundraiser even MORE profitable?

There are some easy ways to make your next pretzel fundraiser your best yet. When you start your pretzel fundraiser, your group and team members will be taking order forms to family, friends and neighbors. Inevitably, most will be unable to resist buying pretzels. However, for those who don’t want to order delicious pretzels or those who want to support your group in addition to their purchase of pretzels – you can offer the Spinners Fundraiser. For go-getters and team members who want to earn the most possible for the team,

“Spinners” is an easy way to make a lot more profit.

Similar to a scratch card but with UNLIMITED earning potential, the Spinners fundraiser is lightweight and easy to transport with your pretzel order forms. Simply ask each person who you approach to “spin the wheel” twice and donate the amount shown from the two spins. In exchange for their donation to your group – they get a sheet of valuable coupons for restaurants and stores in the area. You can approach as many people as you know to spin the wheel and donate so if someone doesn’t want pretzels (perhaps they are on a pesky diet) – they can still support you and your group.

Another way to make your Pretzel fundraiser successful is to have a set end time and a goal for your team.

By limiting the time you run your fundraiser, your group or team knows that they need to go out immediately, while they are motivated and approach as many people as possible. It’s best to get your team members out selling right away when it is fresh in their mind and they are excited! Plus, if they know there is an end in site, it will be easier to push to get results in a short amount of time. Don’t forget to reward your group when they meet their fundraising goals and if they are able to exceed the goals selling Auntie Anne’s pretzels and adding on Spinners fundraising – then consider a party or reward that your group will love with some of the extra profit!

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