Charity Auction Slogans, Like Obama’s “Change”


When marketing your charity auction event, having a good slogan is very important. In the business world, it is vital for a company to be able to sum up their advertising with a short, catchy phrase. Marketing a fundraising auction is no different.

Think of some examples from great marketing campaigns. There is Nike’s “Just Do It”, Frosted Flakes”There Great!”, and, of course, Obama’s simple “Change”. Like him or hate him, the world knows that Obama marketed himself as the man of change. It’s on the bumper stickers and now stuck in our brains, for bad if you can’t stand him, and for good if you like him. Obama’s slogan is so simple, just one word. It’s easy to remember and sums up his campaigning philosophy.

This type of marketing is not done by mistake and there is a lot to learn from this strategy.

Consumers remember slogans regardless of whether they like what is being marketed. Does your benefit auction and nonprofit organization have that same marketing appeal? Hopefully, you will be circulating invitations and flyers to market your event. Your nonprofit may also have bumper stickers, shirts, or pins that are handed out to the public or to volunteers. There should be an easy-to-remember slogan on all of these and people should know it by heart. This will get everyone on board with your creed or motto?

Most nonprofits do not have the budget to hire an expensive marketing firm, but you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”. Look at the marketing that surrounds you everyday. The slogans that you can repeat from memory have the effectiveness that your nonprofit and benefit event need.

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