Are Divorce Attorneys Still Sold on Marriage?
It’s amazing how one Time Magazine story can get so much attention, but any news magazine is bound to grab headlines when it proclaims that “Marriage is Dead”, and backs that up with a reputable survey. The big takeaway from this article was that 44 percent of Americans under 30 consider marriage to be obsolete, and according to the same Pew poll, only 5 percent of under-30 set wants to get married; a number that is difficult to fathom when the wedding industry is now $40 billion plus. It is hard not to question the methodology behind this study, but it definitely raised eyebrows among divorce attorneys.
In the same week that this story hit the stands, the world was once again delighted by the prospect of watching Prince William and his fiancee Kate walk down the aisle this spring. Meanwhile, several states are reporting unprecedented support for same-sex marriage; and divorce attorneys are seeing more requests for prenuptial agreements that ever. So what’s up with the people who responded to the Pew survey? Were they having a collective “bad day” or are they just pondering a future utopian world without the legality and consequences of a marriage contract?
Ever since this story broke, divorce family law Perth attorneys have been asked how they feel about the “death of marriage”, and if they are worried how it will affect their practice, but looking at the current statistics there is no need to be concerned. According to the article, Americans still have the highest rate of marriage – and remarriage in the Western world. Even though the divorce rate is still higher than most Western nations, Americans still have a propensity to marry one another and, unfortunately, get divorced.
According to the Pew Poll which was published in one Time Magazine issue that only 44{f08ff3a0ad7db12f5b424ba38f473ff67b97b420df338baa81683bbacd458fca} of Americans under 30 years old considered that marriage is dead and that only 5{f08ff3a0ad7db12f5b424ba38f473ff67b97b420df338baa81683bbacd458fca} of this same group want to get married. Divorce attorneys are not a bit concerned about it. They believe that statistics show otherwise in that even though divorce rate is higher in most Western countries, America still has the highest rate of marriage – and remarriage.